Emotional, Intimate Elopement at Palo Duro Canyon State Park in Canyon, Texas
Photographer: Map + Compass Photography
Session: Elopement
Location:Palo Duro Canyon State Park, Canyon, Texas
From the Photographer:
“I get emotional every time I think of this Palo Duro canyon elopement. I took Josh and Ashley’s engagement photos and at the time, they were planning a small, unconventional wedding in the Austin, TX area. It wasn’t too long after that they called and said they wanted to elope. I wasn’t surprised one bit, based on everything I knew about them!…
I love how Josh and Ashley incorporated meaningful artifacts from their past, including photos of them from high school when they dated, along with gifts from their family into the day. They initially dated in high school for a while before going separate ways and finding one another again a few years ago. The coffee mugs they used were Josh’s parents when they dated. The bar cart was a gift from Josh’s parents and Ashley wore her mom’s Aztec jacket and rings from family members. I also love that Ashley looked through her grandparent’s wedding photos while getting ready. This day is packed full of things meaningful to Josh and Ashley. It was 100% them.
This is why you elope…it’s about making your day unique and special to you! Things weren’t rushed. They took their time drinking coffee and enjoying one another before exchanging vows…”